Its Monday, Talk on.......
What a gorgeous weekend. Yesterday, we worked outside in the yard. I finished spreading Peat Moss in the front two flower beds and now working my way down the side of the house, doing clean up with weeds trying to decide what I'm going to plant there that is easy maintenance. DH is scraping paint from around the patio door so we can paint that. Tomorrow we have someone coming to powerwash and then coat our deck. Can't wait for the fresh appearance. I love this time of year, especially since I can now move about freely, being rid of 77 or 78 pounds - woo hoo! Look out summer, I can't wait to see the beautiful flowers in bloom and being able to keep up and enjoy yard work again.
I hope each of you are doing well. Wishing you all a happy, healthy day!
Karen C
on 4/11/10 10:15 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
It was such a beautiful weekend here, inside and out....I'm hoping it continues. I got up a little earlier than I have been lately and have enjoyed the quietness of the early morning. Since my surgery back in Dec I have have struggled with getting up early in the morning. I'm normally an early morning person.....I like to get up by 6:30, go for an early walk (or bike ride) and get back before the sun is too strong. ....lately I've been walking up between 8-8:30am VERY LATE for I got up at 7:30....a bit better. MAN I'M RAMBLING........sorry.
OK - nothing exciting or new to report here. Hope to get an appointment for the dog to get a hair cut and then maybe I'll get one myself.
Going to look for a new recipe for chicken.......kind of bored with the same out way.
Hope everyone has a great day!!
Here's a recipe I make almost every week:
4 chicken breast halves
1/2 PKG. low sodium taco seasoning sprinkled over chicken
1/2 cup Taco sauce 0r 1 cup salsa
1 can healthy request cream of mushroom soup
Cook for 4 hrs on low (or until chicken is tender). I shred one of the breasts and put it on a layer of salad mix, then add a dollop of lite sour cream.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
on 4/12/10 2:05 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'll give a try tomorrow.
I wish I could get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Everyone have a nice day
I have been busting my butt pulling weeds and putting down preen and mulch for my flowers. I have lots in bloom....spirea, wisteria, tulips, forsythea, bridal wreath, lillies will be blooming in a couple of weeks and the iris have started , the early purple ones have begun. lilacs are in full bloom too seems like everything has bloomed at the same time here this year.
My early veggie garden is doing well....peas, lettuce, onions, carrots, and beets. all are doing great.
will be eating lettuce soon. My tomato plants i have started from seed in the green house are growing well and are about a foot tall now. just about ready to transplant ....
My semi drawf fruit trees have grown about a foot since they put on leaves. I have to fertalize them today....
Am getting ready for a couple of my girlfriends to come down today. I have been working for the last couple of days getting things pretty. lol .....well got to go work work..
Good mornin', ya'll.
I think the Spring weather is here to stay!! I love it.
This morning I go in to have labs done again. I think I have given more blood to the Oncology doctor than I actually have!! I've been on the antibiotic for 3 days now, so hopefully whatever gave me that awful fever Saturday is gone!
A few errands to run after the doctor. My DH will go with me and we'll stop for lunch somewhere. We never pass up a chance to go out to eat!
My Sis called to say her CPA finally got Mom's taxes done. Hooray!!! She can write the necessary checks and we can finally close out Momma's checking account. We will divide up what money is left. And I think I have finally gotten all the EOB's from all her insurance, and it looks like all the doctor's have been paid. It's been 9 months since she passed and I'll be glad to be able to file all the paperwork away and be done with it!
I hope everyone has their taxes done and you're not too bummed by the results.
Have a fantabulous day!